Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Meath Interclub Track and Field League Day 1 Wed 21st March at 7pm.

Meath Athletics
Inter–Club League

Wednesday 21st March @ 7.00pm

Details below of the Meath Interclub Track and Field league Day 1. Competition starts at 7pm and should be finished for the juvenile athletes by 9pm. As you can see all the events bar the high jump and 1500m for some of our athletes are events that we've been training for over the last few months and this would be a great early opportunity to get some experience in a competition. Teamer texts will be sent out soon as a reminder...

Programme Day 1

 Boys & Girls                                                      Born

 U9                          100m                        Ball Throw            2004           
 U10                        300m                        Long Jump            2003           
 U11                        100m                        Ball Throw            2002
 U12                        600m                        Shot                        2001
 U13                        200m                        Long Jump            2000
 U14                    1500m                        Long Jump            1999
 U15                        200m                        High Jump             1998
 U16                      1500m                        Shot                        1997
            Junior, Senior & Masters Events  9.00pm                          
                                    1500m & Discus.

Rules:          1. Juveniles can only compete in their age group.
                        2. Max. two events per athlete.
                        3. Section A club’s best 20 scores to count from each leg.
                        4. Section B club’s best 10 scores to count from each leg.
                        5. Maximum two attempts at each height in high jump.
                        6. Junior Senior & Masters events take place at end of night
Further League Dates:  March 30th, April 25th & June 27th 


1.     Places on Meath AAI T&F League Team will be based on performances in Meath Championships & Inter Club League
2.    For More Information Contact: Brendan Meade 01 8412107 / 087 2533113

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