Friday, October 23, 2020

Latest Covid Guidance to the Sport Sector - Level 5 Restrictions 23 October 2020

Latest Covid Guidance to the Sport Sector - Level 5 Restrictions 23 October 2020


Dear Sport Ireland Stakeholder,


Ireland is now at Level 5 of the Framework for Restrictive Measures. Level 5 is expected to be in place for the next 6 weeks.


The Government’s guidance on Level 5 is clear, with the risk to public health meaning that individuals are asked to stay at home, with certain exceptions.


With regard to sport, the restrictions applicable in Level 5 are as follows:


  1. No training or matches should take place with the following exceptions:
  • Non-contact training can continue for school aged children, outdoors in pods of 15
  • Professional, elite sports and senior inter-county Gaelic games, horse-racing and greyhound racing are permitted to continue behind closed doors
  1. All other training activities should be individual only.
  2. No exercise or dance classes are permitted.
  3. Gyms/leisure centres/swimming pools closed.
  4. Exercise within 5 kilometres of home.



As they are not recognised as essential services, the decision of Government is that all gyms, leisure centres, swimming pools and other sports facilities must close in the Level 5 restrictions. This includes both indoor and outdoor sports facilities.


It is permitted to open sports facilities for training sessions and scheduled matches for the exempted categories of sport, i.e. high performance, professional and senior inter-county Gaelic games. It will also be permitted to open outdoor sports facilities for structured training sessions by school aged children, i.e. those aged 18 years and younger, in pods of no more than 15, under the supervision of designated coaches and in compliance with approved COVID-19 protocols and all relevant public health guidance.


During these training sessions it will only be permitted for participants and relevant coaching and support personnel to be present. In the case of children’s sport, parents will be permitted to attend for child safeguarding purposes, however they will be required to comply with social distancing and other public health advice.


Professional & Elite Sport

Professional and elite sport must adhere to comprehensive protocols, which ensure extraordinary levels of control and compliance are in place. Professional and elite sport is defined as follows;

  • Professional sports people or sports people who participate within professional competition.
  • A Member of a high performance team funded by Sport Ireland.
  • Those who compete at major international events including European and World Championships, Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is advised that these are senior athletes only within one of the following categories:
    • Athletes on the 2020 International Carding Scheme
    • Players on the 2020 Team Ireland Golf Scheme
    • Senior riders in Show-Jumping, Eventing & Dressage
    • Senior team players in Hockey, Cricket, and Rugby Sevens.


Inter-county sport refers specifically to senior competition organised by the Gaelic Athletic Association, the Ladies Gaelic Football Association or the Camogie Association.

It is important to note that protocols as they apply to each sport will be prepared and communicated directly by the respective National Governing Bodies.


Non-contact training for school aged children

Specific guidance on non-contact training for school agreed children will be issued by Government. In the interim, the following is advised:

  • Underage activity refers to those in primary and secondary school who are aged 18 years and younger
  • Participants and coaches may travel beyond the 5km limit to attend training. Car-pooling should continue to be avoided
  • Outdoor facilities may open only to allow the activity to take place. Only those participating in and conducting the training session should attend.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The specific sporting advice for Level 5 is below.

Covid Update 20th October 2020


From midnight this Wednesday 21st October Ireland moves to Level 5 of the National Covid Framework. The implications to sport are significant and as we await specific guidance from the Sport Ireland Expert Group we ask all our members to continue to be vigilant in observing all health guidelines and to reduce your social interactions.


The specific sporting advice for Level 5 is below.


Currently the government advice is that you must not travel outside the 5km radius from your home. Hence travel to Clubs for anyone living further than 5km from their Club is not recommended.


Training and matches

No training or matches should take place, with the following exceptions:


  • non-contact training can continue for school aged children, outdoors in pods of 15
  • professional, elite sports and inter-county Gaelic games, horse-racing and greyhound racing are permitted to continue behind closed doors


All other training activities should be individual only.


No exercise or dance classes are permitted.


Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools are all closed.


Elite high performance sport is defined by Sport Ireland as covering those who are:

· Professional Sports People

· Member of a high performance team funded by Sport Ireland.

· Those who compete at major international events including European and World Champions, Olympic and Paralympic Games. Specifically, the athletes and players associated with this priority list which includes: Athletes on the 2020 International Carding Scheme.



The complete Level 5 measures can be found here




Hamish Adams
Chief Executive Officer
Athletics Ireland
T: +353 1 886 9933
M: +353 86 3502552


Unit 19, Northwood Court

Northwood Business Campus

Santry, Dublin 9


Postcode D09 CX26

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Athletics Ireland - Covid19 Update 16th October 2020


Athletics Ireland - Covid19 Update 16th October 2020

The government has decided that from midnight Thursday, 15th of October, the counties of Cavan, Donegal and Monaghan will be placed on Level 4 under the Plan for Living with COVID-19.

The rest of the country remains at Level 3. Due to the deteriorating situation with the virus across the country, the Government has decided to increase the level of restriction nationwide as provided for under Level 3 in a number of areas:

  • no visitors to home or garden, with the exception of visits for essential purposes (e.g. family reasons such as providing care to children, elderly or vulnerable people, and in particular those who live alone).
  • in outdoor settings away from home/garden, up to 6 people from no more than 2 households can meet while maintaining strict social distancing – including for outdoor exercise and dining.


Key Restrictions at Level 3

                 No competition/events.

                 Outdoor training pods of up to 15 socially distanced.

                 Stay in your County except for work, education, or essential services.

                 Indoors: Individual training only. No exercise classes can take place.

                 Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools may remain open for individual use only.


Key Restrictions at Level 4

                 No competition/events.

                 Outdoor training pods of up to 15 socially distanced.

                 Stay in your County except for work, education, or essential services.

                 Indoors: Individual training only. No exercise classes can take place.

                 Gyms, pools, and leisure centres closed.


Important note from Sport Ireland Expert Group on Level 3:

The Sport Ireland Expert Group is awaiting final sign off on guidance for indoor sport in Level 3. Until then sports should refrain from Indoor Group Activity. Senior National Competition can no longer take place in Level 3.


Athletics Ireland will continue to share further Covid19 sport information with you as we receive it from the Sport Ireland Expert Group. We urge all Athletics Ireland stakeholders to continue to be vigilant to limit the spread of this deadly disease through social distancing, regular handwashing, sanitising together with the wearing of masks/face coverings and strict adherence to government advice.


All club training bookings and the Covid-19 health questionnaire can be accessed at the following link on the Athletics Ireland website.

Further information on current Covid restrictions can be found at the following link:

Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021: Plan for Living with COVID-19 at the following link:



Kind regards

Deirdre Marley

Office & Registration Manager
Athletics Ireland

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Covid19 Update from Athletics Ireland 6th October 2020

Covid19 Update from Athletics Ireland 6th October 2020


From midnight tonight the nation moves to level 3 of the National Framework for living with Covid 19. This increase to level 3 has serious implications for athletics and we note the key restrictions below.


We urge all stakeholders to continue to be vigilant to limit the spread of this deadly disease through social distancing, regular handwashing, sanitising together with the wearing of masks and strict adherence to government advice.


We will continue to share further Covid19 sport information with you as we receive it from the Sport Ireland Expert Group.


Key Restrictions at Level 3

  • No competition/events.
  • Outdoor training pods of up to 15.
  • Stay in your County except for work, education or essential services.


Level 3 Training

Outdoors: Non-contact training only in pods of up to 15 (exemption for professional/elite/inter-county sports/senior club championship).

Indoors: Individual training only. No exercise classes.


‘Pod’ System

  • Organised Sports training / activity / exercise can do so in multiple pods once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.
  • The use of multiple pod’s is to assist with minimizing the number of people in a group while acknowledging that some outdoor facilities have the capacity to cater for larger numbers of people in a safe manner and within public health guidelines. People participating in pod training can be from different households.
  • The number of pods in a given facility or area will depend on the overall size of space available.
  • The space between pods will depend on the nature, duration and intensity of the session but it should be clearly evident that the pods are independent groups not interacting with one another. At a very minimum Social Distancing of 2m between pods should be implemented.
  • Depending on the frequency of activity (i.e. multiple times in a week) it may be helpful for participants to stay within the same pod.
  • A coach or instructor may oversee more than one pod and should be counted in the overall numbers.
  • The coach should not move freely between pods but rather oversee the activity of the pods.


  More details on athletics Ireland Website