Hi All,
The date for 2011's AGM is set for next Monday 8pm.
Usual agenda plus some proposals that need to be ratified on the night.
1 We propose dividing Tues nights training into 2 groups U9-U11 (Born2004,2003,2002) from 6:30-7:30 and U12+ (Born 2001, 2000, etc) from 7:30-8:30 with the hope of having an extra nights training as the season progresses.
2 Change in the night for the fit4life group and subject to vollunteers having morning training sessions.
3 Change of cost of the associate (non exercising) membership increasing from €20 to €23.
4 Helpers to the club in the hall and the track if they are giving instruction must be members of the club and garda vetted. Ie they can choose to join with the family or senior membership if they want to use the facilities or as an associate member.
5 New Simpler Renewal form for already registered athletes only New Members have to fill out the General Registration Form
6 Proposal from Rory O'Neill Physiotherapist to volunteer to run a free biomechanical screening program for our athletes, 2 athletes/week, and the offer of a reduced rate for Ratoath AC Members.
Please come on down to the AGM to have your say in your clubs development.
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