Sunday, September 8, 2013

Final Week 6 of the Beginners Training Plan for Ratoath 5km on Sun 15th Sept. Race Week :)

Goal Run/walking the Ratoath 5km on the 15th Sept and feeling great after it. 

The signs are up, the road is now marked with the painted km marks, you can see the route of the race by clicking the road race link next to this post (look at the web version rather than mobile to see full info.) 
If you aren't registered yet make sure to do it asap to save yourself a few euro and to be in the first 300 registered, assured of getting your race mug. 
We have great sponsors this year specially Conway's Spar on the Fairyhouse road our main sponsor. Please be sure to drop in and give them your support and let them know that you appreciate their sponsorship for this local event and your local athletic club. 

This week is an easy week to just keep the body loose and prepared for the run on Sunday. Give yourself 2 nice easy runs during the week and decide on your run/walk strategy, what mix of running and walking works for you. 

Monday -Rest or easy walk. 

Tuesday - Rest

5mins walk, 8 x (2 min run, 1min walk), 5 mins walk. remember the cues above "Stand tall, quick short light strides, no plodding"  if you find your cadence slowing, your shoulders dropping STOP re focus both your mind and body and start again. 33mins total. NOTE you can decide to use a different run walk ratio to suit yourself but keep the time roughly 30mins.

Thursday - Rest

Same as Wednesday being nice and relaxed. 
Saturday - Rest

Sunday -Race Day :)
On the morning of the race have your breakfast nice and early 8-8:30am, have your running clothes that you are used to wearing ready to wear. Get to Ratoath GAA club nice and early to collect your mug and your race number and get it attached to your teeshirt/race top. Be sure to keep yourself nice and warm wearing warm jumper/jacket, old track suit bottoms. At 10:35 remove the layers, if it is raining then a black bin liner can act as a good wind/rain shelter to get you to the start line. 

The start line is a 10min walk from the clubhouse so give yourself that time to warm up the body in anticipation. Lightly walk and run your way to the line. As you feel the nerves building smile to yourself, relax you are not going to win the race :), you are here to really enjoy the run. Getting to the start line is the first victory. 

Position yourself near the back of the pack remembering that the chip timing will measure your time. When the race starts be careful as there is a slight downhill and with the excitement you can unintentionally start off too fast. Get into your nice light cadence early but remember you are not running on your own so when you are going to transition to a walk break ease over to the side to allow others pass you safely. Keep note of them however as they may well help you around the course giving you a target to follow when you return to your run. 

You can keep to your pre planned run walk schedule right to the end of the race and be really pleased with a job well done. However if you are feeling strong as you pass the 4km marker you can decide to run in the rest of the way, remember to keep your pace steady don't start sprinting just finish strong and with a great grin on your face. Be sure to smile and wave at the cameras as you run in the final stretch.

Collect your goodie bag, put on a jumper to keep warm and keep moving for the next 5-10mins to get a proper cool down from your exertions. Then pop into the club house to enjoy the refreshments and celebrate your run with your fellow runners. 

Keep checking in during the week for updates on the run. There may be traffic restrictions on the Fairyhouse road on the day of the race which might effect people getting to Ratoath but we'll keep you updated as soon as we know the info.

Ratoath AC accept no liability for any accident or injury howsoever caused while using this plan. As always please check with your doctor prior to beginning any strenuous exercise and listen to your body as you exercise and stop if you begin to feel unwell, dizzy etc. Always bring some form of id with you with an emergency contact number. 

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