The committee has decided to hold
our AGM next Monday Dec 17 at 8pm in Ratoath GAA Club to
give time for any changes to be in place before the new registration in
1 Chairman's
2. Minutes of Agm 2011read
3. Secretary's Report
4. Treasurers Report
5. Coaching Report copy
6. Election of Officers
1. Chairman
2. Vice Chair
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Assistant Treasurer
6. Registrars
7. Competition Secretary
8. Children's Officers
9. Coaches and Committee
10. Delegates to County Board
7. AOB
a) Proposed
Changes to Fees:
1 child
€40 no change (nc);
children €70 nc;
children €90 nc; each additional child €20 new,
1 adult
€60 nc,
couple €100 new,
family of
4 (2 adults and 2 children) €150 each additional child €20,
family 1
adult and 3 children €140 with each additional child €20.
Coach or
associate member €25 new
Sub remain the same €2/week
per person max of €5/week for family.
Additional cost for circuit
training session but we will endeavour to keep costs to our members to a
b)Extra training time of 5:30-6:30 for U9's born 2005
c) max 3 years term for primary officials
d) other suggestions from the floor of via email
Thank you for all your support during the
year. Looking forward to seeing you at the
AGM. Registration for next year should be on
Mon 7th Jan from 6:30-8:30pm.
Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
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